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Renewing Professional Learning for Educators

Renewing Professional Learning for Educators

This priority area focuses on preparation and support of educators who are skilled contributors to equity, inquiry, and practice–both in and out of school. Partnerships are so central to the preparation and professional development of educators that they must span PK-12 schools, families, communities, and university boundaries, stimulating changes in each institution with the knowledge and challenges of the other. Renewal in PK-12, informal education, and higher education is supported when educators can work effectively across the cultures of schools, communities, and universities, modeling and fostering an equity-centered inquiry stance that supports continuous improvement.

Fostering STEAM

Fostering STEAM prepares educators to work with learners in a way that fosters identification with science and art, enhances science and art learning, and promotes equity in science disciplines.
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Story Time STEM

STS emphasizes, through shared reading experiences, the integration of math and literacy, exploring concepts and practices through children’s literature, honoring young learners’ ideas through interactive discussion, and designing and facilitating professional learning with educators.
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