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Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal


Peer-reviewed Publications and other research products.


  • The ECSEL Program. (2023), Envisioning Local Special Education Administrators as Agents of Change. Working Paper. University of Washington Bothell, Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal.
  • Lembke, E., Rasplica, W., King, S., Ruby, S. (2023). Selecting a Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Tool to Use in a MTSS Framework for On-Going Instructional Decision-Making and Special Education Eligibility Purposes: A White Paper to Inform Decision Making.
  • Bellamy, G. T., & Iwasuk, W. (2017). Responding to the Need for New Local Special Education Administrators: A Case Study.  Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator, Development, Accountability, and Reform. Available from:
  • Bellamy, G. T. (2015). A Research-Informed Design for Preparing Principals: What We Could Do Differently and Why It Might Work. Berkeley, CA: Wing Institute. Available from   2015WingSummitTB (
  • Bellamy, T., Rasplica, W., Day, F., Matson, L., Zurybida, T., & McGuire, M. V. (2022). Teacher and ESA Leadership Experience Survey. Technical Report. University of Washington Bothell, Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal.
  • Hintz, A., Smith, A. T., Gray, K., Gannon, E., & Wishart, A. Story Time STEM: Nurturing children’s joy and wonder through shared reading experiences (2020). Young Children, 75(2), 30–35.
  • Horstman, T., Tierney, G. and Tzou, C. (2020), “Design principles for creating digital badges to support learning”, Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 121 No. 11/12, pp. 889-907.
  • Tzou, C.T., Bell, P., Bang, M., Kuver, R., Twito, A., Braun, A. (2019). Building expansive family STEAM programming through participatory research. In V.R.Lee & A.L. Phillips (Eds.), Reconceptualizing libraries: Perspectives from the information and learning sciences (pp. 56-77). New York: Routledge.
  • Tzou, C.T., Starks, E., Meixi, Rambayon, A., Ortiz, S.M., Peterson, S., Gladstone, P., Tail, E., Chang, A., Andrew, E., Nevarez, X., Braun, A., Bang, M. (2020). Codesigning with Indigenous families and educators: Creating robotics education that contributes to Indigenous resurgence. Connected Science Learning, 2 (3), https:/
  • Tzou, C.T., Rother, D., Starks, E., Meixi, Suarez, E., Rambayon, A., Bell, P., Twito, A., Peterson, S., Ortiz, S. M., & Bang, M. (2020). Trust the process: Developing STEM mindsets through family storytelling. Connected Science Learning (Volume 2.I1.P2).
  • Conner, L, Tsurusaki, B., Tzou, C., Teal-Sullivan, P., Guthrie, M., & Pompea, S. (2019). Fostering a STEAM mindset across learning settings. Connected Science Learning (Issue 12).
  • Tzou, C.T., Meixi, Suarez, W., Bell, P., LaBonte, D., Starks, E., & Bang, M. (2019). Making, materiality, and robotics within everyday acts of indigenous presence and resurgence. Cognition and Instruction, 37(3), 306-326.
  • Tierney, G., Horstman, T., & Tzou, C.T. (published online August 22, 2019). Youth Co-Design of Responsive Digital Badge Systems- Disrupting Hierarchy and Empowering Youth. CoDesign. https:/
  • Conner, L.P., Tzou, C.T., Tsurusaki, B.K., Guthrie, M., Pompea, S., & Teal-Sullivan, T. (2017). Designing STEAM for broad participation in science. Creative Education, 8, 2222-2231.
  • Teal-Sullivan, P., Conner, L., Guthrie, M., Pompea, S., Tsurusaki, B., & Tzou, C. (2017). Colorful Chemistry: Painting with the power of chemical reactions. Science and Children, 54(8), 34-40.
  • Tsurusaki, B., Tzou, C., Conner, L, & Guthrie, M. (2017). 5th-7th grade girls’ conceptions of creativity: Implications for STEAM education. Creative Education, 8(2), 255-271.

Educator Resources

Tech Tales Design Principles
  • Learning in Places Collaborative. (2019). Classroom Storyline. Bothell, Seattle, WA & Evanston, Il: Learning in Places.
  • Learning in Places Collaborative. (2020). Family Storyline. Bothell, Seattle, WA & Evanston, Il: Learning in Places.
  • Story Time STEM team (2020). Idea Investigation Planning Template. Bothell, WA: Story Time STEM.
  • Story Time STEM team (2020). Focused Read Planning Template. Bothell, WA: Story Time STEM.
  • Story Time STEM team (2020). Open Notice and Wonder Template. Bothell, WA: Story Time STEM.
  • Story Time STEM team (2020). Guiding Questions Bookmarks. Bothell, WA: Story Time STEM.
    Tzou, C., Bang, M., Bell, P. & Starks, E. E. (2017). Design principles for Family Backpacks Research Project funded by the National Science Foundation. University of Washington.
  • Tzou, C., Starks, E., Braun, A., Bell, P., Bang, M. (2017). TechTales Facilitator and Family Guide. Bothell, WA: OpenSTEM Research.
  • Tzou, C., Starks, E., Braun, A., Bell, P., Bang, M. (2019). TechStyleTales Facilitator and Family Guide. Bothell, WA: OpenSTEM Research.

Educator Frameworks

Learning in Places: Culture, learning, and identity framework
  • Learning in Places Collaborative. (2020). Framework: Socio- Ecological Histories of Places Framework: Supporting Sense- Making and Decision-Making. Bothell, Seattle, WA & Evanston, IL: Learning in Places.
  • Learning in Places Collaborative. (2020). Framework: Power and Historicity. Bothell, Seattle, WA & Evanston, IL: Learning
    in Places.
  • Learning in Places Collaborative. (2020). Framework: Culture, Learning, and Identity. Bothell, Seattle, WA & Evanston, Il: Learning in Places.