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Partnerships for Early Learning

Partnerships for Early Learning

Drs. Allison Hintz and Antony Smith are engaged in an integrated research and development project with community partners. Partnerships for Early Learning is a project of INSPIRE, the UW Seattle College of Education’s effort to advance student learning by designing and implementing systems, resources, and professional development opportunities for and with educators and school leaders. Now in year two, PEL continues to support collaborative work between the University of Washington Bothell, INSPIRE, King County Library System, and YMCA Powerful Schools.

The purpose of PEL is to: develop a set of resources for shared reading experiences exploring math and science concepts that can be utilized across informal and formal learning settings for young children (pre-K-3rd grade); design and implement professional development for educators to support these learning experiences; gauge the impact of these resources on young children’s learning in literacy, mathematics, and science.

This project was supported by the Boeing Foundation between 2015–2018.